Configuration Manager Proxy
Autor: Marcin Kasiński
21.01.2011 13:24:00 +0200
Wyświetlanie listy brokerów
private static void displayBrokerNames(ConfigManagerProxy cmp) { try { TopologyProxy topology = cmp.getTopology(); if (topology != null) { Enumeration allBrokers = topology.getBrokers(null); while (allBrokers.hasMoreElements()) { BrokerProxy thisBroker = (BrokerProxy) allBrokers.nextElement(); System.out.println("Broker "+ thisBroker.getName()); } //while } //if } //try catch(ConfigManagerProxyPropertyNotInitializedException ex) { System.err.println("Comms problem! "+ex); } }
Usuwa broker
private static void deleteBroker(ConfigManagerProxy cmp, String brokerName) { try { TopologyProxy topology = cmp.getTopology(); if (topology != null) { topology.deleteBroker(brokerName); } //if } //try catch (ConfigManagerProxyException ex) { System.err.println("Problem! " + ex); } }
Wyświetlanie listy EG i ich przepływów i MRMów
private static void displayBrokerEGs(ConfigManagerProxy cmp, String brokerName) { try { TopologyProxy topology = cmp.getTopology(); if (topology != null) { BrokerProxy broker = topology.getBrokerByName(brokerName); Enumeration executiongroups = broker.getExecutionGroups(null); while (executiongroups.hasMoreElements()) { ExecutionGroupProxy executiongroup = (ExecutionGroupProxy) executiongroups .nextElement(); System.out.println("EG-> " + executiongroup.getName()); Enumeration deployedObjects = executiongroup.getDeployedObjects(); while (deployedObjects.hasMoreElements()) { DeployedObject deployedObject = (DeployedObject) deployedObjects.nextElement(); System.out.println(deployedObject.getName() + " " + deployedObject.getFullName()); } //while } //while } //if } //try catch (ConfigManagerProxyPropertyNotInitializedException ex) { System.err.println("Comms problem! " + ex); } }
Wyświetlanie listy ACLi
private static void displayACLs(ConfigManagerProxy cmp) { AccessControlEntry[] ace = cmp.getAccessControlEntries(); for (int i=0; i<ace.length; i++) { System.out.println(ace[i].getType() + " " + ace[i].getName() + " has " + ace[i].getPermission()); } }
Dodanie ACL
private static void createACL(ConfigManagerProxy cmp, String user) { AccessControlEntry acls[] = new AccessControlEntry[1]; AccessControlEntry acl = new AccessControlEntry(user, AccessControlEntryPrincipalType.user, AccessControlEntryPermission.fullControl); acls[0] = acl; try { cmp.addAccessControlEntries(acls); } catch (ConfigManagerProxyLoggedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
Wyświetlanie listy subskrypcji
private static void displaySubs(ConfigManagerProxy cmp) throws Exception { String topics = null; // all topics //String brokers = "BROKER%"; String brokers = null; // all brokers beginning 'BROKER' String users = null; // all users String subsPoints = null; // all subscriptions points GregorianCalendar start = null; // no start date GregorianCalendar end = new GregorianCalendar(); // to the present SubscriptionsProxy s = cmp.getSubscriptions(topics, brokers, users, subsPoints, start, end); Enumeration elements=s.elements(); for (Enumeration e = s.elements() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) { System.out.println(e.nextElement()); } } powrót
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